How to Access NASA API in Drupal

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29th Dec 2020
2 mins read
How to Access NASA API in Drupal

This module admittance to NASA API to get their data and make it usable from Drupal.

For Accessing the NASA API in your Drupal project. You may follow the below steps:

  1. Install the Access NASA API module and URL:
  2. If you not having an API key from NASA, so get it from
  3. Then, go into the admin theme of Drupal where the path is /admin/config/services/nasa and fill the API information with the field details.
  4. To fetch the APOD whose full form is "Astronomical Picture Of the Day". For this the configuration process is Structure > Block layout and then you may choose the block section placement where you would show the API.
  5. After placing the Block choose "NASA APOD".

With the above process, you should fetch the data from their API in the Drupal system.